text, document, note, paper icon download

- Format:
- png
- Width:
- 128px
- Height:
- 128px
- File size:
- 4.61KB
- Upload:
- Tags: text document note paper
- Belong to icon sets: Social Media icon sets
This icon is a transparent background png icon, you can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
- Download: png icon (4.61KB) 16x16 ico 32x32 ico 64x64 ico 128x128 ico
- Css sprites: Add to css sprites generator
Download common sizes of this icon
These icons also belongs to icon sets "Social Media"
map, pointer, direction, location icon -
google, social, logo, chrome icon -
refresh, rotate, reload, synchronize icon -
image, picture, photo icon -
profile, human, account, person, user icon -
playstore icon -
text, document, note, paper icon -
books, book, study, learning, documents, reading, education icon -
earphones, earphone, headphone, music icon -
calendar, event, date icon -
bell, ring, alarm, alert icon -
film, movie, video icon -
note, text, documents, paper icon -
book icon -
image icon -
view, search, zoom icon -
camera icon -
camera, media, photo icon -
book icon -
image icon -
boat icon -
offer, shopping, sale icon -
group icon -
offered icon -
bus icon -
calling icon -
social, video, youtube, tube icon -
handout icon -
group icon - View All
Related icons of this icon
note, text, documents, paper icon -
page, note, paper, text, documents icon -
paper, notes, text, page, document icon -
file, note, dock, text, documentation, paper, document icon -
notes, note, paper, text, sheet icon -
Document, Note, Paper icon -
paper, note, document icon -
notebook, note book, writing note, notepad, paper, text, notes icon -
notebook, text, documents, document, note, editor icon -
memo, paper, note, document icon -
document, file, paper, note icon -
note, paper, file, document icon -
Add, Document, Notes, Paper icon -
add, document, notes, paper icon -
sticky, document, file, note, text icon -
sticky, note, document, text, file icon -
pen, paper, write, note, pencil, edit, text icon -
files, sheet, note, paper, text, page, print icon -
Document, Files, Folder, Note, Papers icon -
papers, files, folder, document, note icon -
file, paper, document, note, white icon -
notesalt, note, paper, document, file icon -
document, paper, text, file icon -
document, paper, text, file icon -
paper, texte, document, file icon -
document, file, text, paper icon -
document, text, paper, file icon -
text, document, paper, file icon -
document, paper, text, file icon -
text, document, file, paper icon -
text, paper, document, file icon -
paper, text, file, document icon -
paper, file, text, document icon -
document, text, paper, file icon -
document, file, paper, text icon -
file, paper, document, text icon -
Document, File, Paper, Text icon -
text, document, file, paper icon -
file, text, paper, document icon -
text, document, paper, file icon -
text, file, paper, document icon -
school, document, paper, office, note, colorful icon -
note, bookmark, document, file, paper, default icon -
Copy, Documents, Duplicate, Files, Note, Papers icon -
document, sheet, doc, note, paper, fez icon -
duplicate, copy, documents, files, papers, note icon -
document, text, file, paper icon -
document, file, text, paper icon -
text, paper, file, document icon -
file, document, paper, text icon -
paper, document, text, file icon -
file, paper, text, document icon -
file, paper, text, document icon