Users. Android L (Lollipop) icon sets
This icon sets contains 17 free vector icons, all of these icons are svg format
This icon sets was uploaded in . you can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
people, users, group icon -
person, account, user, human icon -
study, education, student icon -
add, person, human, user, plus icon -
group, people, users icon -
police, secure, security icon -
business, human, male, group, add, users icon -
users, people, conference, group icon -
checked, male, person, avatar, profile, business, user, man icon -
remove, users, user icon -
star, achievement, moderator, award, princess, winner, crown, best icon -
profile, man, worker icon -
healthcare, hospital, medical, healthy, health, doctor, medicine icon -
medical, nurse, healthy, hospital, care, healthcare icon -
work, avatar, chef, cook, account icon -
fireman, profession, saving icon -
gardener, profession, garden icon