yes, forward, next, gtk, ok, right, arrow, ltr, correct icon download

- Format:
- png
- Width:
- 24px
- Height:
- 24px
- File size:
- 469B
- Upload:
- Tags: gtk forward ltr next right yes arrow correct ok
- Belong to icon sets: SmoothGNOME icon sets
This icon is a transparent background png icon, you can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
- Download: png icon (469B) 16x16 ico
- Css sprites: Add to css sprites generator
Download common sizes of this icon
These icons also belongs to icon sets "SmoothGNOME"
impress, gnome, sun, xml, application, mime icon -
composer, mozilla icon -
mime, gnome, ms, word, application icon -
alt, gnome, client icon -
painting, application, draw, mime, gnome, paint, xml, sun icon -
writer, xml, mime, application, sun, gnome icon -
calculator, calc, calculation icon -
evolution icon -
evolution, contact icon -
gftp icon -
gnome, screen, computer, monitor, display icon -
gnome, web icon -
date, evolution, schedule, calendar icon -
evolution, task icon -
calendar, schedule, config, configure, system, preference, configuration, date, setting, option icon -
gull icon -
message, mail, letter, evolution, envelop, email icon -
office, gnome icon -
mozilla icon -
thunderbird, mozilla icon -
xscreensaver icon -
config, option, configure, gnome, configuration, setting, ui, preference, behavior icon -
writer icon -
xchat icon -
draw, paint, painting icon -
template icon -
gaim icon -
configuration, configure, option, system, preference, config, x, setting icon -
mathematics, math icon - View All
Related icons of this icon
ltr, yes, next, media, right, gtk, arrow, ok, correct, forward icon -
yes, gtk, correct, next, media, ltr, forward, ok, arrow, right icon -
ltr, right, ok, gtk, next, correct, media, forward, yes, arrow icon -
yes, ltr, forward, ok, right, correct, media, gtk, arrow, next icon -
forward, gtk, right, arrow, ok, next, correct, yes icon -
next, arrow, right, ok, yes, gtk, forward, correct icon -
forward, yes, rtl, next, gtk, right, arrow, ok, correct icon -
forward, gtk, arrow, next, yes, right, rtl, ok, correct icon -
yes, ok, rtl, arrow, media, next, right, forward, gtk, correct icon -
forward, yes, gtk, rtl, right, media, arrow, next, ok, correct icon -
ok, gtk, yes, forward, media, rtl, correct, arrow, right, next icon -
ok, right, arrow, next, yes, correct, rtl, media, forward, gtk icon -
ok, forward, correct, right, arrow, yes, next icon -
next, correct, arrow, yes, ok, forward, right icon -
next, right, ok, correct, forward, arrow, yes icon -
arrow, forward, right, correct, next, ok, yes icon -
next, arrow, correct, forward, ok, yes, right icon -
yes, correct, right, forward, next, ok, arrow icon -
yes, arrow, forward, correct, next, ok, right icon -
yes, arrow, next, right, forward, ok, correct icon -
ok, arrow, forward, next, correct, right, yes icon -
arrow, forward, ok, next, yes, correct, right icon -
yes, ok, next, arrow, forward, correct, right icon -
ok, next, yes, arrow, correct, forward, right icon -
next, ok, yes, right, correct, arrow, forward icon -
forward, next, right, arrow, ok, correct, yes icon -
forward, ok, right, arrow, next, correct, yes icon -
right, arrow, yes, next, ok, forward, correct icon -
yes, correct, forward, ok, arrow, right, next icon -
arrow, yes, right, ok, correct, next, forward icon -
arrow, yes, ok, forward, next, right, correct icon -
arrow, yes, next, right, correct, ok, forward icon -
arrow, yes, next, ok, right, correct, forward icon -
right, next, forward, arrow, correct, ok, yes icon -
correct, yes, ok, arrow, next, forward, right icon -
ok, yes, next, forward, right, correct, arrow icon -
arrow, correct, ok, forward, yes, next, right icon -
next, ok, right, arrow, forward, yes, correct icon -
arrow, yes, forward, right, next, ok, correct icon -
ok, next, forward, correct, right, arrow, yes icon -
yes, forward, correct, arrow, next, ok, right icon -
yes, next, ok, right, correct, forward, arrow icon -
arrow, correct, ok, right, next, forward, yes icon -
ok, next, arrow, right, correct, yes, forward icon -
yes, arrow, right, correct, ok, forward, next icon -
arrow, forward, right, ok, next, correct, yes icon -
yes, next, right, arrow, correct, forward, ok icon -
forward, next, arrow, correct, ok, right, yes icon -
next, forward, ok, arrow, right, correct, yes icon -
right, yes, next, correct, arrow, ok, forward icon -
right, yes, arrow, correct, next, forward, ok icon -
right, ok, yes, forward, arrow, correct, next icon -
forward, yes, arrow, correct, right, next, ok icon -
arrow, right, yes, forward, ok, next, correct icon -
right, next, forward, arrow, ok, correct, yes icon -
arrow, right, ok, next, yes, forward, correct icon -
ok, arrow, right, correct, forward, yes, next icon -
next, correct, ok, yes, arrow, forward, right icon -
forward, arrow, right, ok, next, yes, correct icon